Don't let thanksgiving be an excuse to be thankful.
Kategori: Allmänt
Don't. Don't take anything for granted, don't be thankful one day out of 365 days. Everyday is a blessing. Every day and every minute. Every dinner, every hug, every "I love you", every day with a healthy family, every glass of water, every shower, every night under a roof, every job, every school, it's all a blessing. And trust me, I sometimes forget and I sometimes take it all for granted.
It's so easy to forget, the days are just passing by and we let it happen. We are not reflecting, we are so used to everything, it's all a part of us but what if it all would disappear? What would we do and could we make it without everything? Would we miss what we had and regret not being thankful for it? I think so, yes and it's not fair to people who doesn't have what we have, it's not fair to just take it for granted.
Everyday you wake up, take 10 seconds to just take it all in and be thankful for still being alive and make the day count. I said earlier today that I wish we had thanksgiving in Sweden, but actually I don't because I don't need an excuse to be thankful, none of us reading this do. And I certainly don't need an excuse to eat too much.
Let's just all be thankful, every day. Let's try to remember to appreciate every single step and minute that we have in this world and try to make the most out of it. Thanksgiving is just another day of awesomeness.

"Everyday you wait, is another day you will never get back"

Tack för mig, hej.